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Teaching Tips, articles and Ideas

A site dedicated to EFL teachers across the ASEAN region and beyond. Here you’ll find blogs, articles, ideas and links to a wide variety of resources designed to make your life easier and to develop you as a teacher.

Recent Posts

 Personalise to maximise engagement
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Personalise to maximise engagement

In a week or so I will be delivering a session to teachers across Asia on the topic of personalisation. For me this is a key area in any form of learning and provides learners with a chance to use language or skills in a meaningful way that is memorable and therefore will help to aid retention of not only the skills and language but the task as well. If a personalised task has a positive effect on the learner it should stay with them for a long time.

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Engaging students online
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Engaging students online

Last week I delivered a session to help Cambodian teachers engage students who are studying online. This challenge of engagement is a common theme among teachers that I have received feedback from. I tried to break the session up into a listicle and deliver the session as engagingly as I could using some of the engagement techniques I have researched along the way. This blog is a way for me to reflect on the session and provide you with some useful ideas for engagement with learners.

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How do we take our coursebook activities online?
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

How do we take our coursebook activities online?

I was recently asked to give a webinar on teaching online. With so much information out there in the form of blogs, webinars and articles I wanted to keep it very practical so thought of ideas of how I could take our existing materials and make these accessible and interactive both online and offline.

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