Developing positive attitudes to learning

What helps ELT learners develop positive attitudes to learning new language and to find the inner motivation they will need in order to learn?

In my experience of teaching all levels of learners there are numerous things that can help English Language Teaching (ELT) learners develop positive attitudes towards learning English and find the inner motivation they need to succeed.

Firstly teachers need to make learning the content and language relevant. Learners are much more likely to be motivated if they can see the relevance of what they are learning to their own lives. As a teacher I can achieve this by making lessons more student-centered and by using authentic materials and real-life situations. An example of this would be to ask learners what preferences they have when it comes to their studies and lives. Administering a needs analysis before the course starts can bring up lots of useful information that you can then use to help you plan lessons. Ask students what their hobbies are, what they do in their freetime and their reasons for learning English.

Secondly try to create a supportive learning environment. Positive reinforcement and constructive feedback are essential to keeping learners motivated. Balance feedback so that you are not just praises the academic results but also the effort of the learners. This will also create a positive mindset and should lead to better learning outcomes. Teachers can also create a supportive learning environment by providing opportunities for learners to interact with each other, and by creating a positive classroom atmosphere where everyone is able to share and learn from each other.

The next area Iā€™d like to discuss is to set achievable goals. Setting realistic goals can help learners stay motivated and feel a sense of achievement as they progress. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps and make these steps visible by writing them on the board. As you achieve the goals cross them off so there is a visible sense of progress. You could also ask students to do this themselves to encourage self-reflection and accountability.

Finally use a variety of teaching methods. ELT learners have different preferences when it comes to learning so it's important to use a variety of teaching methods to cater to their individual needs. This could be varying your methodology. for teachers who prefer a presentation, practice and production approach can try mixing it up by using a test, teach, test approach. Do some research to find out different approaches and observe other teachers to see how they teach. Within the lesson include visual aids, audio materials, group work, games and other different ways to provide input and productive tasks.

Overall, the key is to make learning English enjoyable, relevant, and achievable, and to provide learners with the support and feedback they need to stay motivated and succeed.


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