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Teaching Tips, articles and Ideas

A site dedicated to EFL teachers across the ASEAN region and beyond. Here you’ll find blogs, articles, ideas and links to a wide variety of resources designed to make your life easier and to develop you as a teacher.

Recent Posts

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in ELT
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in ELT

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in ELT

At a recent Macmillan Day in Vietnam I gave a presentation on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in English Language Teaching (ELT). It’s an area I care greatly about having had experience of working in groups previously with the British Council and now with Macmillan Education to look at ways we can highlight the importance in our work.

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Change the way you approach mixed ability classes
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Change the way you approach mixed ability classes

I have asked, in the last five years, many teachers the following question; ‘What challenges do you have when teaching?’ Top of the list comes mixed ability classes. So with this blog I would like to address the challenge of mixed ability classes and also look at some of the positive aspects of teaching in such contexts.

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Advancing Futures: How do I develop a culture of global thinking in my classroom?
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Advancing Futures: How do I develop a culture of global thinking in my classroom?

Today’s world is a complex, interconnected world and in order to survive, learners need more than just language skills. As the world has become, and is becoming a smaller place, the requirement for us to engage, not just in our local communities but outside as well, has become more prominent. In this blog, I will examine some of the tools that we as teachers can employ in our ELT classrooms. I will show you how you can help your students understand the importance, provide them with support in how they can go about taking action and ultimately have fun learning Global Skills.

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Looking back and moving forward
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Looking back and moving forward

I like to think that my whole career has been a learning process and after 25 years in English language teaching I certainly don’t think I know everything. Meeting new teachers and discussing ideas always provides a freshness and food for thought and I am grateful I have a chance to do this. After 25 years I thought this would be a good time to reflect on where I have come and some professional development (PD) avenues I have been down. By doing so it will allow me to ask questions of you, in order for you to use some of the ideas for yourself.

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 Personalise to maximise engagement
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Personalise to maximise engagement

In a week or so I will be delivering a session to teachers across Asia on the topic of personalisation. For me this is a key area in any form of learning and provides learners with a chance to use language or skills in a meaningful way that is memorable and therefore will help to aid retention of not only the skills and language but the task as well. If a personalised task has a positive effect on the learner it should stay with them for a long time.

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Engaging students online
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Engaging students online

Last week I delivered a session to help Cambodian teachers engage students who are studying online. This challenge of engagement is a common theme among teachers that I have received feedback from. I tried to break the session up into a listicle and deliver the session as engagingly as I could using some of the engagement techniques I have researched along the way. This blog is a way for me to reflect on the session and provide you with some useful ideas for engagement with learners.

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How do we take our coursebook activities online?
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

How do we take our coursebook activities online?

I was recently asked to give a webinar on teaching online. With so much information out there in the form of blogs, webinars and articles I wanted to keep it very practical so thought of ideas of how I could take our existing materials and make these accessible and interactive both online and offline.

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Superlative noughts and crosses
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Superlative noughts and crosses

I like to use this activity to promote the use of the superlative form. It utilises a well-known game that students find stimulating and fun to play.

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On Topic - How do I introduce the theme of a unit?
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

On Topic - How do I introduce the theme of a unit?

Activating schemata, retrieving prior knowledge, accessing students’ background experience, whatever you want to call it, is a key element to a lesson’s success. For students, this allows them to open up their internal resources to engage with the lesson content or language and sets up the lesson in a way to encourage the use of English and a sense of collaboration from the get go.

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Presenting vocabulary to children
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Presenting vocabulary to children

Below are some simple but effective ideas for presenting vocabulary to children. I have used them throughout my career and revisit them pretty much every week. I hope they are as useful to you too

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Using a developmental record as a tool to improve classroom management
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Using a developmental record as a tool to improve classroom management

“Ok everyone. STOP! Let me explain once more what I want you to do. STOP, please. Everyone listen please!’

This was a frequent refrain in my teaching and one I have heard throughout my years of observing teachers. I also regularly collect feedback from teachers on their teaching challenges, and class management always features high on their lists. As a result, I decided to revisit class management and design and deliver training, with a particular focus on giving and checking instructions.

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The question staircase and Bloom’s Taxonomy
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

The question staircase and Bloom’s Taxonomy

It’s nearly a year since I went to Indonesia to talk to some lovely teachers in Padang, West Sumatra about Bloom’s Taxonomy and storytelling. Since then I have tried to implement the learning into other workshops and in particular use a framework to develop thinking skills through questioning.

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What, when, who and how to correct?
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

What, when, who and how to correct?

I had an interesting conversation recently with some teachers in Thailand. The topic of the discussion was error correction and more specifically should learners be corrected and if so what, when and how. The debate was diverse and there was lots of differing ideas.

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Creativity - Something to write home about
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Creativity - Something to write home about

Studies show creativity is linked to academic achievement and that creativity can be taught. This blog will explore the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of creative writing. In addition, we will also examine three major components of creativity. I will then provide some practical activities for you to try with your students and present a simple case study from one of my own classes.

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Motivating learners by creating an audience
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Motivating learners by creating an audience

A few years ago I was tasked with teaching at a prestigious all-girls school in Bangkok, Thailand. My students were secondary students with varied levels of of motivation for learning. As a 45 year old male from the UK I had very little in common with my students but I was determined to make the class run successfully and engage the students as best I could.

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Report writing and parents' day
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Report writing and parents' day

In all the years I’ve been teaching I must have written thousands of reports for kids, teens, adults and corporate students. I’ve written both individual and class reports usually over a semester of no more than 6 months. In the past I have found myself with lots of work to do at the end of term and in recent years I have got smart to this and kept detailed notes throughout the term to feed into end of semester reports. In the centre I work in, the registers have a page to make individual student notes and I use this after each lesson to record anything salient that can be used in reports.

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Teaching the four skills - Free writing
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Teaching the four skills - Free writing

I have recently taught a class of teenagers aged between 14 and 16. They were of a good level (B1) and were motivated to learn English. I taught them once a week for two hours on Sunday mornings. I realised early on that although their spoken output was good and prolific their ability to write was lacking somewhat.

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Some thoughts on homework
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Some thoughts on homework

Homework is a contentious issue in the place and country where I work. I have lived and worked in Thailand for over 20 years and have had many conversations with parents, teachers, senior teachers and students about the issue. In Thailand, homework is expected by students and parents at all ages from Primary to Secondary. I have been party to occasions where parents have complained that teachers are not giving homework. Students generally hate homework and in my experience teachers give homework because they are required to and not because they feel the students will benefit.

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Vanishing dialogue
Derek Spafford Derek Spafford

Vanishing dialogue

This activity practises language of ordering food in a restaurant although this can be adapted for any scenario. It's a great way to consolidate the language and recycle the vocabulary.

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